Tetra Disease Got My Neons...how Long to Wait Till I Try Again?

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Neon tetra disease


  • #1
oh dear one of my black neons died in the night (I found a very nibbled corpse) and iv of my remaining 9 fish are showing signs of neon tetra disease, and none of them are shoaling. I also take 6 peppered corydoras 2 dear gouramis three pitbull plecs and lots of plants(in a 55 gallon with 0 ammonia and nitrites, and 10-25ppm nitrates).

*can my other fish contract neon tetra affliction? I really plant the corpse because i of the gouramis wass feasting on it and draged it out of the java fern

*can kuhlI loaches be affected by the illness?

*is there any activeness I can take bated from removing every neon?

thanks in advance for whatever reply

if all the neons do die (euthanasia or illness) how long before I can add fresh neons? tin I ever add new ones?
merged dorsum to back posts.


  • #2
Good forenoon,

And then lamentable to hear that your fish are ill. Hither is a link that will requite yous some more than information on Neon Tetra Illness:

Best wishes!



  • #3
oh dear one of my black neons died in the dark (I found a very nibbled corpse) and iv of my remaining 9 fish are showing signs of neon tetra disease, and none of them are shoaling. I also have 6 peppered corydoras ii honey gouramis 3 pitbull plecs and lots of plants(in a 55 gallon with 0 ammonia and nitrites, and x-25ppm nitrates).

*can my other fish contract neon tetra illness? I actually plant the corpse because 1 of the gouramis wass feasting on it and draged it out of the java fern

*tin can kuhlI loaches be affected past the disease?

*is there any activity I can take aside from removing every neon?

thanks in accelerate for any answer

if all the neons practice dice (euthanasia or disease) how long before I tin can add together fresh neons? can I ever add new ones?
merged back to back posts.

Yeah, any fish can get infected. The illness is transmitted by healthy fish consuming an infected ane. If the black neon had it, any fish that ate it, or even nipped information technology while it was still alive, will die.

When I battled NTD, the kuhlI loaches were the only species that wasn't afflicted - they didn't consume infected fish.

The simply mode you can forbid the disease from wiping out your entire tank is to remove and destroy Any FISH YOU SUSPECT may exist infected. As soon as information technology shows signs it has to go. If you have a quarantine tank, y'all tin can movement suspected fish at that place to see if it is really infected. When you are certain it is, there is no sense in keeping it alive considering there is no cure and they will surely dice.

I lost like 85% of a fully stocked tank to NTD. I added black neons without quarantining them - I slipped upwards and the whole tank died. In one case you've removed all suspected fish and no others are showing signs, and no one is dying, then you got information technology all. Do a serial of massive water changes, as well as rinsing off the filter media. After a few weeks of everything being stable, and so you can start to restock with any fish you like.


  • Thread Starter
  • #four
well then some fish will have to go


  • #5
It's very distressing, but true. Dealing with affliction is hard plenty. Dealing with a disease with no cure is heartbreaking for the fish owner and the fish.

My theory has always been that I volition practice whatever is necessary for the health and well-being of all tank inhabitants. If that ways humanely euthanizing a diseased fish, and so I experience I have no choice. We all do what we tin to avert that pace, but sometimes information technology'south actually the just choice.


  • Thread Starter
  • #6
thanks for replying so speedily! that is the worst news near corydoras and other fish bbeing able to contract the disease, i'd assumed they'd exist safety


  • #seven
they may exist condom....as long as they don't ingest whatsoever office of a diseased fish


  • Thread Starter
  • #8
I thinkj they might be ok, coz all of the dead neons floated to the elevation and corydoras don't care in the slightest about anything on the surface.

Am I right in thinking clove oil followed by strong spirits is the way to do it?

how long would y'all look later on all symptoms are gone before adding new fish?


  • #9
Am I correct in thinking clove oil followed past potent spirits is the way to practice it?

You're on the right rails. This link will aid:


As far as restocking, equally Jaysee said above:

"Once yous've removed all suspected fish and no others are showing signs, and no one is dying, and so yous got it all. Do a series of massive water changes, every bit well equally rinsing off the filter media. After a few weeks of everything beingness stable, then you can get-go to restock with any fish you similar."


  • #ten
Am I right in thinking clove oil followed by potent spirits is the way to exercise it?

There are many ways to do information technology, many of which don't cost money. I apply the garbage disposal method - fast, like shooting fish in a barrel, and no clean up.


  • #11
There are many means to do it, many of which don't cost money. I use the garbage disposal method - fast, easy, and no clean up.

How do yous euthanize them earlier you put them in the garbage disposal?


  • #12
How exercise you euthanize them before you put them in the garbage disposal?

I don't. The disposal is the method - Information technology'due south over in half a 2d. Plow on the water, plow on the disposal, pour in the cup of water with the fish. A small fish is instantly disintegrated.


  • Thread Starter
  • #13
I don't know if this is linked to the neon tetra affliction just ane of my corys has started swimming in spirals and genrally looks disorientated. my gut reaction is that this is some kind of secondary infection due to the lowered immune systems of the other sick fish. anyone accept any suggestions every bit to what is incorrect? my ain research hasn't come up with much

water parameters are good, in fact i'm at this moment seeing the get-go of some mating behavior between my oldest female person and two oldest males, so I doubt information technology is anything to do with that


  • #xiv
Just a thought. Are y'all sure it was NTD and non something else? Could be but a weak fish?


  • #15
In that location is a bacterial infection sometimes referred to as false NTD considering the symptoms are similar, just I remember they tend to respond to anti-bacterial meds of some sort... Whatever the instance, without existence able to verify it, you did correct in destroying apparently infected fish: NTD isn't something you want to give the benefit of the doubt, and I don't know what the protocol is for treating fakeNTD.


  • Thread Starter
  • #16
well only corydoras left, so far no more deaths

I really hope information technology was neon tetra disease coz that'd mean it is probably gone now, is at that place whatsoever way to diagnose false ntd?


  • #17
yeah, cure information technology with anti-acterial meds, thereby proving it'south non a parasite. Its the just way I've heard.
Simply, honestly, if your cories remain unaffected it was probably NTD, and if they testify no signs for several weeks and so it is probably condom to put new fish in after QTing them.




  • #xx

Very sorry about your neons information technology does sort of wait like columnaris, but I'm not terribly familiar with fish diseases so I'm not sure what it is.

How ofttimes accept yous changed the tank water? Frequent water changes might aid a bit. Otherwise, I'yard really not certain.

Hopefully someone who knows more than volition accept find


  • #21
This looks like a bacterial infection. What are the blood-red thing on the bottom of the tank?


  • #22
The carmine is $.25 of poop. I do alter the water out daily as this is a quarantine/medicine 1 gallon tank without filtration.


  • #23
If I remove and care for all the infected fish for bacterial infection, is it possible the infection may live on in the tank? I can medicate them in the 1 gallon tank but not in my main tank as I take shrimp and plants.


  • #24
it definitely like fungus to me.not certain if its columnaris or non but I'thou sure information technology is fungus. Pimafix with Melafix combined will help. If non y'all have to go thru antibiotics but hurry. Youll find practiced info on how to apply Pimafix and Melafix in the forum. Also good threads regarding fungus and columnaris. Good luck


  • #25
If I remove and care for all the infected fish for bacterial infection, is it possible the infection may live on in the tank? I can medicate them in the i gallon tank but not in my chief tank as I accept shrimp and plants.
Pimafix and Melafix are nature extracts of plants then they don't hurt your plants or other residents of the tank merely not sure virtually antibiotics though


  • #26
About diseases and infections of fish can exist traced back to water quality. With a blank bottom tank it is absolutely easy to locate uneaten food and feces. You really should include that chore in your water change routine to vacuum out those waste matter sitting on the bottom. I might suggest looking at your filters, and if it is dirty or clogged, do a quick rinse with tank or treated water -(never rinse directly in tap water) to remove any loose waste.

I might as well recommend as a habit to clean the tank if you lot can after feeding. Often leftover rotting food can exist a source of bacteria infections.

It doesn't take a lot to kickoff bad leaner or fungus build-upward, particularly in smaller tanks where h2o quality tin driblet very suddenly. That is one reason why many of us will keep advising to go for the larger tanks whereever possible.


  • #27
that is not my main tank. I separated them into a one gallon tank. I have treated for fungus with Tetra Brand Fungus Guard. I highly doubt it is columaris or a fungus equally those are commonly quick killers and these symptoms have been around forever. I will look into iimafix and melafix. Thank you all.


  • #28
I take a 25 gal, heavily planted tank with gravel/sand substrate, 79f, 0ammonia, 0nitrites, 15nitrates, pH 7.2, 10 neon tetra, ane dwarf gourami, 2 guppys and 3 albino corydoras,

one of my neons appears injured, has turned almost the same colour as the albino corydora, and its spine is what can only be described as "zig-zag" from above. it looks as if one-half its torso has been trapped under an ornament and it has managed to wriggle gratis... so I didn;t QT (probably a very airheaded fault) I have been keeping an eye on information technology for about ii weeks and its eating and acting normally.... but at present I am hearing of neon tetra disease and take googled it to find that some of the s expect like my poor tetra

its body is this shape from the side but not colour also

what should I practice now? i've really worried myself! should I QT?

thanks for all advice!x



  • #thirty
thank you ever so much! unfortunately, it really wait like neon tetra disease QT it is for the little mite! fingers crossed for a recovery (though i'm not holding out much promise)x

hopeful fish

  • #31
I'm and then sorry to hear nigh your little guy's problems I hope he does get better.

The first article that Ken provided mentioned a parasite causing the disease. You may want to research if anyone has managed to gainsay information technology with an anti-parasitic medication.


  • #32
oooh thank yous! the poor little soul is on his own in QT but doing really well, it's simply the way he looks that makes me retrieve there'due south something wrong!

hopeful fish

  • #33
Is he still eating? Beingness alone will probably also stress him a lot, because they are schooling fish. Be certain he has a TON of hiding places to feel secure.


  • #34
he'south eating fine! that'due south why it took me so long to QT him as I didn't want to have him abroad from the others i've put lots of caves and plants in there simply I wish he could merely become back in the community with all his friends... he'due south been looking odd for about 4 weeks now and i've really noticed information technology in the past ii weeks but I was (probably stupidly) reluctant to QT him!

hopeful fish

  • #35
I don't arraign yous for wanting to put him all alone--I hate watching schooling fish by themselves. They look so solitary! I think that QT is the all-time thing for him right now, though, so that nobody else gets sick. Go along usa updated on his progress!


  • #36
i've just read that neon tetra disease usually takes them within 2 days, could information technology exist something else entirely as he's (I don't know if he'south a he, but it feels right!) had any it is for atleast 4 weeks... hmm, maybe a little more than enquiry is needed! I wish I could but fix him and pop him back with his friends

hopeful fish

  • #37
Check out fish tuberculosis. A common symptom is a bent spine.


  • #38
uh oh!! fingers crossed it's non, but I will look into it. i'm going to try and go a few pictures of him. thanks for all your help, I really appreciate information technology!ten

this is Not my fish, but it looks exactly the same! I will upload a photo presently though! hopefully Not TB!!ten

poorly neon.jpg
poorly neon 2.jpg
poorly neon 3.jpg
this is my little guy when he was in the customs tank

Alison Johnson

  • #39

I take a 10 gallon tank, 1 betta and now 5 neon tetras, one died this forenoon
I am fairly certain the tank has neon tetra disease. I should have probably taken dissimilar steps a few days ago, merely this has all happened then speedily and now here we are.

About a month or two ago, nosotros had 1 tetra with some loss of color and fin rot. Nosotros did daily water changes and he seemed to be on the up and upward.

Fast forward to terminal calendar week, well-nigh 3 of my tetras suddenly have fin rot. I apace lodge some melafix and we start treating them (that was last Wednesday). No improvement. I ordered some antifungal Monday evening due to increasing worry, but information technology hasn't arrived, and I don't call back it will assistance at this point any way. Due to the lack of comeback I started doing daily h2o changes on Monday.

My current program is have all neon tetras out of the tank. Place the obviously symptomatic ones on one QT and the not ill (I honestly think their may only be 1 healthy) in some other.

I am contemplating euthanizing the ill ones, but it breaks my eye.

I think this may have come from a recent plant addition. I have not tested my levels but plan to when I get off work.

Also, how can I make sure my tank is gratuitous of the disease for my betta and hereafter fish?

All communication is welcome, thank yous


  • #40
Lots of neons arrive nowadays having a specific strain of Columnaris bacteria-infection. Known as false NTD.
Pretty sure that is what it is.

Alison Johnson

  • #41
Symptoms: lumps, gray color, fin rot, spots

If information technology's columnaris what should I do?


  • #42
Symptoms: lumps, gray color, fin rot, spots

If it's columnaris what should I do?

Tin can you identify a film Alison?

Alison Johnson

  • #43
This is of one of thwm, when just he had symptoms


  • IMG_20190110_205900.jpg


  • #44
I suggest Alison : Go it out and euthanise (distressing). This is an farthermost case.

How are the others swimming ?

Alison Johnson

  • #45
All are swimming ordinarily.
He is definitely the worst off and has been that color for awhile.

I am coming to terms with euthanizing them, I think I am going to get some clove oil


  • #46
All are swimming commonly.
He is definitely the worst off and has been that color for awhile.

I am coming to terms with euthanizing them, I recall I am going to get some clove oil

Aye. Good thought. The "normal" swimming and some other signs tell me it is not real NTD. This is a severe case of Imitation NTD to me. Prepare yourself you probably have to euthanise them all. So lamentable !

Alison Johnson

  • #47
Thank you and so much for your help.

Do you suspect any problems for my Betta? Or volition he be okay? So far he has no symptoms at all.


  • #48
Cheers so much for your help.

Do yous suspect any problems for my Betta? Or volition he be okay? So far he has no symptoms at all.

The columnaris infection in neons (if that what it is) is species specific and appears to merely infect neons. No guarantee but I expect the betta to be safe.


Alison Johnson

  • #fifty
My rommroom wants me to try the antifungal,
I don't know if I should wait and endeavor information technology or become alee and euthanize

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Source: https://www.fishlore.com/aquariumfishforum/threads/neon-tetra-disease.86368/

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