Why Not Be Creative Why Not Be Creative Art

Creativity is ofttimes divers every bit the power to come up with new and useful ideas. Like intelligence, information technology tin be considered a trait that everyone – not just creative "geniuses" like Picasso and Steve Jobs – possesses in some capacity.

Information technology's not simply your ability to draw a flick or pattern a product. Nosotros all need to retrieve creatively in our daily lives, whether information technology's figuring out how to brand dinner using leftovers or fashioning a Halloween costume out of clothes in your closet. Creative tasks range from what researchers call "piffling-c" creativity – making a website, crafting a altogether present or coming up with a funny joke – to "Large-C" creativity: writing a speech, composing a poem or designing a scientific experiment.

Psychology and neuroscience researchers have started to identify thinking processes and brain regions involved with inventiveness. Recent evidence suggests that creativity involves a complex interplay between spontaneous and controlled thinking – the ability to both spontaneously brainstorm ideas and deliberately evaluate them to decide whether they'll actually work.

Despite this progress, the answer to one question has remained specially elusive: What makes some people more than creative than others?

In a new written report, my colleagues and I examined whether a person'due south creative thinking power tin can be explained, in function, past a connection betwixt iii brain networks.

Mapping the encephalon during creative thinking

In the written report, we had 163 participants complete a classic test of "divergent thinking" called the alternating uses task, which asks people to recall of new and unusual uses for objects. As they completed the test, they underwent fMRI scans, which measures blood menstruation to parts of the brain.

The task assesses people's ability to diverge from the common uses of an object. For instance, in the study, we showed participants unlike objects on a screen, such as a gum wrapper or a sock, and asked to come up up with creative ways to use them. Some ideas were more than creative than others. For the sock, one participant suggested using it to warm your feet – the common utilise for a sock – while some other participant suggested using it as a h2o filtration system.

Importantly, we found that people who did better on this chore also tended to report having more artistic hobbies and achievements, which is consistent with previous studies showing that the task measures full general creative thinking ability.

Later on participants completed these creative thinking tasks in the fMRI, we measured functional connectivity betwixt all brain regions – how much activity in one region correlated with activity in another region.

We also ranked their ideas for originality: Common uses received lower scores (using a sock to warm your feet), while uncommon uses received higher scores (using a sock every bit a water filtration system).

Then we correlated each person's creativity score with all possible brain connections (approximately 35,000), and removed connections that, according to our analysis, didn't correlate with creativity scores. The remaining connections constituted a "high-creative" network, a prepare of connections highly relevant to generating original ideas.

Two renderings show the lobes of the brain that are connected in the loftier creative network. Writer provided

Having divers the network, we wanted to come across if someone with stronger connections in this high-creative network would score well on the tasks. So we measured the forcefulness of a person'southward connections in this network, and then used predictive modeling to test whether we could estimate a person's creativity score.

The models revealed a significant correlation between the predicted and observed creativity scores. In other words, we could estimate how creative a person'due south ideas would exist based on the strength of their connections in this network.

Nosotros further tested whether we could predict creative thinking ability in iii new samples of participants whose brain information were non used in edifice the network model. Across all samples, we found that we could predict – albeit modestly – a person's creative ability based on the strength of their connections in this same network.

Overall, people with stronger connections came up with better ideas.

What's happening in a 'loftier-artistic' network

We found that the encephalon regions within the "high-creative" network belonged to three specific encephalon systems: the default, salience and executive networks.

The default network is a set up of brain regions that actuate when people are engaged in spontaneous thinking, such as mind-wandering, daydreaming and imagining. This network may play a key role in idea generation or brainstorming – thinking of several possible solutions to a trouble.

The executive control network is a set of regions that activate when people need to focus or control their thought processes. This network may play a key role in idea evaluation or determining whether brainstormed ideas will actually work and modifying them to fit the creative goal.

The salience network is a set up of regions that acts as a switching mechanism between the default and executive networks. This network may play a key office in alternating betwixt idea generation and idea evaluation.

An interesting characteristic of these three networks is that they typically don't get activated at the same time. For instance, when the executive network is activated, the default network is usually deactivated. Our results propose that creative people are better able to co-actuate brain networks that usually work separately.

Our findings indicate that the artistic brain is "wired" differently and that artistic people are amend able to engage brain systems that don't typically piece of work together. Interestingly, the results are consistent with recent fMRI studies of professional artists, including jazz musicians improvising melodies, poets writing new lines of verse and visual artists sketching ideas for a book embrace.

Hereafter research is needed to make up one's mind whether these networks are malleable or relatively fixed. For example, does taking drawing classes lead to greater connectivity within these brain networks? Is it possible to boost general creative thinking ability by modifying network connections?

For at present, these questions remain unanswered. Equally researchers, we just demand to appoint our own creative networks to figure out how to reply them.


Source: https://theconversation.com/new-study-reveals-why-some-people-are-more-creative-than-others-90065

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